
Showing posts from 2019

The Case for Dinner Party

There are two episodes in the entire Office  series that vie for the top spot of "cringiest" episode ever. Dinner Party (S4 E13)  and Scott's Tot's (S6 E12)  (I would also like to throw  Andy's Play (S7 E3)  in the mix, but I'll save it for a different time) . While both have made their awkward mark on Office  fans, I argue that Dinner Party  encapsulates more (and greater) awkwardness and cringe than Scott's Tot's." In Dinner Party , the cringe starts in the FIRST MINUTE. Right off the bat, Michael tricks Jim via having to "work late" ensuring his night is open to come over for dinner. Once Jim and Pam arrive, Jan in all her conceited glory begins subtle jabs that are more and more awkward as the episode goes on. Look, I can list all the hilarities of Michael and Jan before the opening credits end, but I'd suggest you go back and watch both episodes and you'll see what I mean. Moving on, the tour of the condo is perfec